Nunchaku-do AN IMPRESSION in
2 minutes

In just two minutes, you’ll get a great impression of the atmosphere at Nunchaku-do, both on and off the mat.

This video beautifully captures the sportsmanship, energy, excitement, and release, all set to a fitting soundtrack.



Nunchaku-do is a semi-contact martial art based on the Japanese karate weapon, the nunchaku. The weapon has been around for thousands of years, but its international reputation only grew immensely after Bruce Lee used the nunchaku in his films.

In the 1980s Milco Lambrecht developed a special safety nunchaku, allowing enthusiasts from all over the world to safely improve their skills, even in countries where the original nunchaku is legally banned. Competition on semi-contact basis became possible for the very first time, and with it, the sport Nunchaku-do was born.


Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee

The Nunchaku-do system offers competitions, graduations (black belt and further) and training courses. As such, the sport grew immensely the first years, so it wasn’t until long before the World Nunchaku Association (WNA) was founded. The WNA promotes nunchaku practice all over the world, and has made a clear system available to everyone: from early age to seniors, wherever they are from. We are honoured to be the nunchaku organisation with the most members worldwide, and we will continue to promote the practice of nunchaku in any way we can.

The system​

Nunchaku-do has four different disciplines, all briefly explained below.


A semi-contact fight between two participants, who can earn points by attempting to hit each other. Keep in mind that all practitioners work with the safety nunchaku and wear protective gear (helmet and toque), allowing fighters to give it their all without compromising on safety. The kumite system is physically enduring, as nunchaku-do is one of the fastest sports in the world to spectators and practitioners. Rules dictate that the nunchaku has to keep turning during the match, which guarantees that the most skilled opponent wins. For an impression on kumite,

watch the video below!


Kata, the Japanese word for “form”, refers to a detailed choreographed pattern of martial arts movements. Katas are completed individual or in a team (synchronized) in front of a judge, who grades the kata based on technique, pace, power and more. A kata performed properly demands both physical as mental control. The Nunchaku-do system has described fourteen (14) katas in detail, offering our practitioners endless possibilities for self-improvement.


Probably the best-known discipline worldwide. Freestyle is not bound by rules – but rather offers practitioners the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity, technique and flow. Whilst every discipline has the possibility to mesmerize an audience, freestyle is definitely the show-discipline. The WNA has some of the best freestylers worldwide ready to teach and inspire, and offers a diverse platform for personal growth and competition.


Where kumite-fighters are bound by rules to guarantee safety and sportsmanship, the jutsu discipline revolves around efficiency and realism, whilst teaching our advanced students to defend themselves in real-life situations. Demonstrating your skills in nunchaku jutsu is required to obtain our highest graduations, but the moves are also used during demonstrations. As with all disciplines; the WNA teachings on nunchaku jutsu are safe for all practitioners.


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